Privacy Policy


Politeia On Line - Repository of the Portuguese Journal of Police Sciences

Privacy policy

Politeia On Line is an open access repository for the Portuguese Journal of Police Sciences. When consulting the information on this website, the responsibility of the Study Center of the Instituto Superior de Ciências Policias and Internal Security, for short referred to as ICPOL, the following general terms and conditions of use are established:

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  2. This site is informative. For this purpose, ICPOL does not require any registration when accessing this Repository, and in exceptional situations (eg, requests for clarification or requests for texts from previous issues of the Magazine), identity and email address may be requested, with personal data being protected in terms of the law and cannot be disclosed as such.
  3. Reproduction of part of the information contained in this website is permitted, provided that the source is mentioned, is intended for non-commercial purposes, has been obtained lawfully and does not conflict with legally protected data.
  4. Any question regarding Politeia On Line should be addressed to the ICPOL / PSP Documentation and Information Center (CDI), by email , to the attention of its Coordinator, who is responsible for the electronic editing of this Repository.