Submission of papers

The submissão de artigos carece do cumprimento de um conjunto de pressupostos que se mencionam pro memória:

i) Framework within the scope of the magazine;

ii) Non-detection of plagiarism;

iii) Not having been previously published;

iv) Not being evaluated in another magazine;

v) Be approved by all authors;

vi) Obey the rules mentioned.

Failure to comply with these requirements means the immediate rejection of any submission.

Authors are responsible for making false statements or for failing to comply with the requirements, and must individually sign a Declaration of Transmission of Rights ( Attachment ).

Toda a documentação relacionada com a submissão de artigos deverá ser remetida para o endereço com a indicação expressa do remetente (nome e endereço eletrónico).

The papers to be submitted to the Journal can be of four types:

i) Empirical studies;

ii) Theoretical studies;

iii) Review studies; 

iv) Case study. 

Instructions for authors

Empirical Studies must obey, without fail, the following structure: Introduction (Objectives, Relevance, State of Art and Formulation of the Problem); Method (Hypotheses; Sample / Corpus / Participants; Instruments; Procedure); Presentation and Discussion of Results; and, Conclusion.
Theoretical Studies must obey, without fail, the following structure: Introduction (Objectives, Relevance); State of Art (Theoretical Contextualization and Theoretical or Conceptual Hypotheses); Perspectives / Guidelines (Relations, Contradictions and Inconsistencies); and, Discussion / Conclusion (Theoretical and Practical Implications).
Review Studies must obey the following structure: Introduction (Objectives, Relevance); State of Art (Theoretical Contextualization and Theoretical or Conceptual Hypotheses); Perspectives / Guidelines (Relations, Contradictions and Inconsistencies); and, Discussion / Conclusion (Theoretical and Practical Implications).
The Case Studies must obey, necessarily, the following structure: Introduction (Objectives, Relevance, State of Art, and Formulation of the Problem); Method (Participant / Event / Organization; Instruments; Procedure); Presentation and Discussion of Results; and, Conclusion.

Page Limit

Papers should not exceed 10000 words, including figures, tables and references.Papers between 5000 and 7500 words are preferred. Exceptions should be duly justified.

Title page

The title page should include ( Attachment):

a) Title of the article in the language chosen by the author (s);

b) Name of the author (s);

c) Affiliation and address of the author (s);

d) Accountability of all author (s);

e) Author's e-mail for correspondence;

f) Type of article.



The abstract should be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, be written in the past and not exceed 150 to 200 words; it should not contain figures / illustrations / graphs, tables / charts, abbreviations or references.
The keywords must be three to five, alphabetically ordered, and can be used for indexing.
For the text the following rules are considered:

a) Articles must be presented in Word;

b) Times New Roman font, size 12;

c) 1.5 space between lines;

d) Use of the insert tables function, to the detriment of Excel spreadsheets;

e) Use of the Equation function to edit or insert formulas;

f) Save the document in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or in doc format (previous versions of Word), with the name of the article;

g) The manuscript for review must not contain the name of the author (s);

h) Avoid using more than three levels for titles and sub-titles;

i) Abbreviations must be mentioned and defined in their first mention and used subsequently in a consistent manner;

j) As notas de rodapé devem ser convertidas em notas de fim de texto. Quando estritamente necessárias, são usadas para informação extra, não devendo conter referências bibliográficas. Também não devem conter figuras/ilustrações/gráficos ou tabelas/quadros. As notas de fim de texto devem ser numeradas sequencialmente, usando para tal a função automática existente no processador de texto.

References and Citations
Citations and references must be made in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) rules in effect http: //www.apastyle .org / .
Tables/Charts must follow APA standards. In short:

a) Tables/Charts must be numbered sequentially, using Arabic numbering;

b) They must be presented in sequential order in the text;

c) They must contain a title describing their content;

d) Any previously published material must be identified and the source mentioned;

e) The notes of the tables/charts must be identified below the table/chart.

Figures / Illustrations / Graphics
Figures / illustrations / graphics must follow the rules APA. In summary:

a) Figures / illustrations / graphs must be numbered sequentially, using Arabic numbers;

b) They must be presented in the sequential order of the text;

c) If there are figures / illustrations / graphs in the Appendix or Annex, they must continue the continuous numbering of the text.

d) They must contain a title describing their content;

e) The notes of the figures / illustrations / graphs must be identified below the figure / illustration / graphs;

f) Any previously published material must be identified and the source mentioned. For the inclusion of figures / illustrations / graphics that have been previously published, the author (s) must obtain permission for the printed and online version. It should be noted that some publications do not provide the rights of electronic availability. In such cases, the Journal does not assume the return on costs that may arise from obtaining this permission.


Copyright Statement

The Journal is committed to the integrity of the published content, which is why it subscribes to the ethical principles for scientific publication, in order to avoid less serious conduct that could compromise confidence in the Magazine, the Editorial Board, the Board and its scientific nature.


The integrity of the investigations is based on:

i) Failure to submit the manuscript to other journals for simultaneous evaluation;

ii) In the non-publication (partial or full) of the manuscript in another journal, with the exception of an expansion of previous investigations, in which case, it must produce evidence of this fact to avoid self plagiarism;

iii) The data are not manufactured or manipulated to confirm conclusions;

iv) Failure to present works, data, or theories without the necessary reference to the appropriate authors (plagiarism - plagiarism);

v) In the use of anti-plagiarism software by the Magazine;

vi) In the contribution of all authors to the submitted works, for which they are responsible and accountable for the results;

vii) Not dividing a study to increase the number of submissions to the Magazine and / or other newspapers over time (salami-publishing);

viii) Maintaining the order of the authors after acceptance of the manuscript;

ix) In justified justification, through a letter to the Principal Editor or Editor-in-Chief, to request inclusion or elimination of authors during the review process.

Any supervening question can be clarified by consulting the site


Privacy policy

All information provided by the authors will be kept by the journal for publication purposes only. In addition, it will not be shared with third parties.