



Contraordenacional repression in the scope of violence in sport

Key Words Authority for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in Sport administrative offences administrative offences repression violence in sport

Abstract: This study focuses on the administrative offence regime applicable to violence in sport. This is a theme with important recent milestones, namely the creation of the Authority for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in Sport and the proposed legislative amendment to the legal regime for combating violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sports events. Attention was focused on the identification and analysis of regime specialties in relation to the general regime, with regard to administrative offences repression. It was concluded by the existence of several relevant specialties, which increase with the proposed legislative amendment, which, combined with the creation of a specific authority, gives the respective regime a sectoral nature. It was also identified aspects not included in the current regime or provided for in the draft law and which, given the specific administrative offences and agents, should be so, both in substantive and procedural terms, namely in terms of means of obtaining evidence.

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Some Notes on Espionage in the Portuguese Diplomacy of the 15th Century: From Diplomatic Immunity to the Crime of Lesa Majesty

Key Words Espionage Medieval diplomacy Medieval Law

Abstract: In the Middle Ages, espionage was established as a necessary method for detailed knowledge of the international political scene. By this we mean that it was a kind of "prerequisite" for planning a diplomatic mission. This practice implied a work of collecting, sorting and systematizing information, since from these reports the bases were created for the foreign policy of several political entities, to which Portugal was not indifferent. This information, made available by the espionage networks, namely about the places where a diplomatic mission was going to be sent, was essential in the preparation of the arguments and counter-arguments by the ambassadors. And it was precisely these individuals that government officials asked, numerous times, for the collection of confidential information; thus taking advantage of the diplomatic immunity of embassies to practice espionage activities. However, we cannot neglect that it was in the presence of a practice considered a crime of lèse-majesté, whose punishment was the death sentence.

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Desenvolvimento de Competências de Liderança: um Projeto Educativo na Formação dos Oficiais de Polícia

Key Words Leadership Skills Police Formation

Abstract: The role of senior police officer involves the development of competences of cooperative interaction and, beyond the need for learning and improvement of specific skills, is important to develop interpersonal skills and command. leadership is considered one of the essential skills in the professional performance of a senior police officer and should be relevant in the course of their training. The Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security was started, in 2009/2010 until 2013/2014, a process of building Leadership Exercises, for students from 1st to 4th year Integrated Master Course in Police Sciences aiming to train and develop, gradually and progressively, their individual and group interaction capabilities, enabling the evaluation and monitoring their evolution. Our goal is to inform the work that has been developed within this Project. Will also be presented the results of the evaluation made by students, through satisfaction questionnaires. The following criteria were analyzed: (1) utility, (2) level of difficulty, (3) structuring and organization (4) overall assessment of the exercise, (5) personal performance (6) group performance (7) experience of creating an exercise, (8) positive aspects and (9) suggestions.

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Personal Identification as an Instrument for Social Control in Contemporary Societies

Key Words Social control Identity Identification Civil registry

Abstract: The structuring of a society requires the implementation of a mechanism that allows the identification of the individuals that compose it. Knowing “who is who” is a fundamental element for the political and administrative organization of the State and for individual and collective security. All people have their own unique and irreplaceable identity. The process of identification goes through transposing that individuality and uniqueness to a registration system. In Portugal, until the beginning of the twentieth century, the State had no system of civil registration, using the records of the Catholic sacraments made by the local parish priests, which included the births, baptisms, marriages and deaths of the Christian faithful. It took almost eight centuries for the creation of a Civil Registration. There is no social order with individual anonymity. The holistic vision for the creation of a society necessarily passes through the attestation of the identity of each individual that composes it.

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Expertise in Criminal Investigation: The Limits of Lofoscopic and Photographic Judicial Identification

Key Words judicial identification criminal investigation Lofoscopy expertise

Abstract: Criminal investigation expertise and its current problematic were at the center of this study, in a two-dimensional perspective in which scientific knowledge in several areas of knowledge should serve the requirements of a modern and efficient criminal investigation. At the same time, and more specifically, lofoscopic expertise, based on the new legal regime of lofoscopical and photographic judicial identification, is seen as low application, causing serious amputations of scientific knowledge to the ongoing investigations. The repression of crime, especially to the grave and organized under great complexity, if it does not have the immediate and rapid support of scientific knowledge, cannot succeed. In this respect, the essential role that expertise has in the discovery of material truth has been dissected. It was verified the requirement of procedural formality, in safeguarding the fundamental rights of the citizen, where it was seen that science should be at the service of the process to give it the evidentiary materiality uncontrollable in a contradictory, so the criminal investigation and in concrete science in the field of lofoscopy, cannot be limited to conflicts of detail that put on question is practical applicability to the requirements of a fair and just criminal process.

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Human Rights in Police Activity

Key Words Direitos Humanos

Inaugural lesson given at the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year of the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Homeland Security
12 de novembro de 2019

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Key Words Tráfico de seres humanos

THE INFORMATIVE NOTEBOOK - Trafficking in Human Beings is an initiative under the responsibility of the ICPOL Documentation and Information Center, developed under the responsibility of its coordinator, Luís Almeida.
The purpose of this Informative Booklet, and others that will follow, is to raise the awareness of the police community, and now also of POLITEIA Magazine readers, to themes and events that are relevant to this same community.

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